What Happens When I Leave My Laptop Open

Actual picture of Lia

Oh man. Lia used to do this all the time. I’d be writing and leave my computer for a minute, then come back to find that she’d totally trolled my WIP and it had taken a turn for the really weird. (This is why I had to be very thorough doing my edits, in case some of her little embellishments slipped through the cracks!)

So tonight I was just minding my own business, throwing some clothes into the washer after finishing a scene, and when I returned to the living room, the evil teen was sitting there cackling madly and wouldn’t let me have my laptop back. I had to wait until she’d finished her additions – knowing it was going to be good.

She didn’t disappoint. I’d laughed myself to tears by the end of the scene.

So the first sentence is my own, and the rest is Lia’s handiwork. By the way, if she actually decided to be a writer, I’m sure she’d get published before me!

While Milek was distracted, Ania clicked open his traveling case and stuffed the frilly bloomers inside, stifling a laugh.


The next morning, Ania and Kate awoke to the sound of enraged screaming. Milek ran into their room holding the bloomers in one hand, and Ruby in the other. Shaking both fists, he shouted, “YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY??? Is this your idea of a GOOD TIME?!”

“What the crap?? We only stuck the underwear in your suitcase! We didn’t do anything to Ruby!”

Milek stopped shouting for a moment, apparently surprised to see he was holding a squished-up Ruby. “No! Not Ruby! These bloomers! Do you have any idea what this has done to my reputation with the whores on this ship?? They think I’ve been seeing other hookers! Now what am I going to do?? Those were some first class naughty ladies!”

“Slut,” replied Ania shortly. And then she and Kate promptly left Milek in their cabin and went off to eat some food or slay a flying squid or something.

8 thoughts on “What Happens When I Leave My Laptop Open

  1. HEE!! That's awesome. At this point my kid just crawls over to the keyboard and starts smashing her fingers on the keys. She'll probably get published before I do, too. 🙂

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